“We believe that if everything we do in our cities is great for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old, then it will be great for all people.”
– 8 80 Cities
Livability means different things to different people — but basically, it means an environment that supports people of all ages, abilities, and income levels.
6 Factors that Affect Quality of Life
1. Built and natural environments
2. Economic prosperity
3. Social connections
4. Equity
5. Educational opportunity
6. Cultural, entertainment, and recreation possibilities
8 Domains of Livability
1. Outdoor spaces and buildings
2. Transportation
3. Housing
4. Social participation
5. Respect and social inclusion
6. Civic participation and employment
7. Communication and information
8. Community health services
10 Steps to Livability
Interested in creating a more livable environment for your community?
Start with these 10 steps (and contact us to learn more!).
1. Establish a team.
Identify a core team of people with a variety of perspectives who represent different sectors, such as business, education, faith community, government, and health care.
2. Identify leadership.
The team leader will ensure the action plan supports the mission and vision of the livable community initiative.
3. Enlist stakeholder support.
Convene individuals, groups, or organizations that are concerned about the outcome of the work.
4. Expand involvement.
Expand the core team and increase community support and participation from diverse community partners and sectors.
5. Engage the community at large.
Identify opportunities to address barriers to engage all populations in a community and determine strategies to overcome them, such as a community kickoff meeting or individual group meetings.
6. Assess the community.
Work with community partners and experienced evaluation specialists to collect data on the community from primary and secondary sources, including a community survey, asset inventory, community listening session, and/or existing data.
7. Develop an action plan.
The action plan is the guide for the team’s day-to-day work, highlighting the mission and vision of the plan, supported by established SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals and priorities.
8. Develop strategies.
Identify strategies guided by best practices which can be implemented to support the goals and priorities.
9. Determine the evaluation process.
Identify how outcomes will be measured, including process and outcome evaluation. Did the initiative accomplish the goal? What effects did the livability work have on the community?
10. Implement change!
The work begins with implementation of the action plan.