Funding Opportunities!

Looking for a little $$ to help get your livable project off the ground?

Check out this great listing of funding opportunities from HealthySD, and bookmark this page to find the most current grant and funding opportunities available:

Some current funding highlights:

  • Communities That Care Funding: The Communities That Care funding opportunity is a community-based prevention system proven to reduce youth health and behavior problems aimed at preventing, reducing or responding to risk factors like substance abuse, overdose and suicide. CTC helps local community groups develop community-specific prevention plans based on their unique levels of behavioral health problems and risk and protective factors.

  • WorkWell Mental Health Grant: he South Dakota Department of Health is excited to release the 2021-2022 WorkWell Mental Health Grant. All South Dakota businesses starting a mental health program or expanding a current program are eligible to apply! This is an opportunity for you to become a worksite that values mental wellness and fosters a supportive work culture through organizational, environmental, and individual interventions.

  • Good & Healthy Community Grant: The Office of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (OCDPHP) within the SD Department of Health (SD DOH) is committed to helping communities in South Dakota implement evidence-based chronic disease prevention and health promotion strategies to improve where they live, work, learn and play. The Good & Healthy Community Grant is designed to support local community and organization-based efforts, foster collaboration among organizations, and support the mission of the SD DOH, which is to promote, protect and improve the health of every South Dakotan.

  • Active Transportation Assessment Collaboration: The Active Transportation Assessment Collaboration opportunity provides 1-2 South Dakota communities with technical assistance on conducting active transportation assessments and recommendations for improving the built environment to increase walkability and active transportation. This is a no-cost technical assistance opportunity, in collaboration with SDSU Landscape Architect Students under the direction of Professor Donald Burger. No funds are awarded to selected communities.

  • And Many More!

Chrissy Meyer