COVID-19 Funding Opportunities for Individuals and Communities

As businesses and communities strive to get back to “normal” with the social and economic turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic, several organizations have stepped in to offer important financing and funding options. Here’s a roundup of three we learned about this week:

From the CIGNA Foundation:
The Cigna Foundation is excited to announce a new grant application opening June 1, 2020.  As part of the next phase of the Healthier Kids For Our FutureSM initiative, $5 million in grants from the Cigna Foundation are now available to nonprofits working to address the health and wellbeing of children.  Nonprofits in the U.S. may apply for grants through Sept. 30, 2020 to further their work supporting children in two areas – food insecurity and mental/emotional health. 

The coronavirus pandemic is straining food banks and school meal programs, and is shedding light on a worsening mental health crisis among children and adults. Now is the time to act. Please go to to access the grant application.

From the South Dakota Community Foundation:
To aid South Dakota communities in need due to the coronavirus outbreak, the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) is providing matching funds to community savings account (CSA) partners.

Over $250,000 has been designated toward matching grants given from partner community savings accounts (CSAs) to nonprofits addressing coronavirus needs.

These matching funds are for grants distributed by CSAs addressing the needs of those affected by coronavirus in their area, whether due to actual infection by the virus or by efforts to curb or prevent infections. The latter include the ramifications of such actions as closing schools and universities, canceling large gatherings and events, business closures and job losses, and other proactive interventions that nonetheless cause significant disruption and hardship.

Examples of immediate need (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Access to food.  With recent school closures, many children are missing out on daily food service and access to weekend backpack programs.

  • Shortage of volunteers.  Social distancing protocol has many stepping back from their volunteer duties, requiring many nonprofits to reevaluate how they deliver services to those in need.

  • Healthcare sector support.  Coronavirus poses unique challenges to educating, diagnosing and treating patients.

  • Human services sector support.  Many families need childcare and other supportive services.

As a statewide community foundation, the South Dakota Community Foundation works to serve and strengthen communities across South Dakota every day. They are committed to working with communities and nonprofits as they deal with the myriad of issues posed by coronavirus.

From the USDA:
To assist homeowners facing current hardships, USDA is offering payment moratoriums and modified application processes. USDA Rural Development is also working with new borrowers and their lenders to make special accommodations based on local needs and restrictions. For the most up-to-date information on Rural Development’s response to COVID-19, visit Updates are also distributed via Twitter @usdaRD.

“USDA Housing Programs give families and individuals the opportunity to buy, build or repair safe affordable homes in South Dakota,” said Julie Gross, South Dakota USDA Rural Development State Director. “Homeownership provides long-term financial stability and security for rural families. It also helps build assets and equity.”

USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit

Chrissy Meyer