Got an Idea? Now Get it Funded!
Do you have a great idea to make your community more livable, but you just need a kickstart? One of the biggest hurdles to implementing your project can be finding the funding you need to get things off the ground. The good news is that there are grants and types of funding available to support innovations that can inspire healthier communities.
AARP Community Challenge Grants: The AARP Community Challenge funds community-based "quick-action" projects related to housing, transportation, smart cities and public spaces. The goal is to spark change and build momentum to improve livability for people of all ages. Grant applications for the 2020 program will be announced in mid-summer 2020, but you can check out the list of 2017-2019 projects at
Good & Healthy South Dakota: Good & Healthy South Dakota highlights how the office of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is working to meet the needs of all South Dakotans at home, school, work, healthcare facilities, and in communities and reservations. On their website at you will find a listing of open funding opportunities. This list is updated periodically, so check back often to see what’s new!
Rural Health Information Hub: The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. They are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities. On their website at you will find a listing of open funding opportunities, including new listings and listings by funding type, topic, sponsor and state.
There are many other sources for funding your livable community project, as well. Check out our Funding Resources section for more information.