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Resource Spotlight: Healthy Community Food & Beverage Toolkit

Have you ever looked around your community and thought, “Man… it’s hard to eat healthy in this town?”

You’re not alone… especially in South Dakota. But the good news is that there are ways that ordinary people can help make a difference in the foodscape of their communities.

The American Heart Association’s Healthy Community Food and Beverage Toolkit was created to help individuals improve their food environment and promote a culture of health. It provides practical action steps and suggestions that are easy to understand and apply.

In addition to specific guidance and nutrition standards for beverages, snacks and meals, topics addressed in the toolkit include healthy eating, creating a culture of health, how community leadership can be involved, special events, meetings, vending machines, healthier cooking methods, resources and links, and a glossary of terms.

For more information on this and other Livable resources to help make your community healthier, visit our resources page at